TAP-Certified Bridge Instructors, Club Owners and Directors

Silvana and Rich Morici
Bridge takes months to learn initially and a lifetime to master.
Your learning should never stop, as the potential of your game depends on your investment in learning it well. The side effects are good for your game, but excellent for your brain health, immunity and longevity. We are committed to keeping our classes simple, fun and effective for you and we are invested in your learning and will support you outside of the classroom as well.
-Silvana and Rich Morici
Class Offerings Listed below:
LIVE! Interactive Zoom classes with real, hands-on playing and bidding practice with the most sophisticated online teaching classroom.
NEW TO BRIDGE COURSES: Intro to Bridge, Beginner 1, 2 & 3
A Taste of Bridge-
Take the Intro to Bridge Class!
Take a chance and come try bridge! Join us for the 1st class of our Beginner 1 course and get a taste of bridge to see if you would like to continue learning this fascinating and captivating card game. We will have you playing right away. This is for players who know nothing about bridge.
No Partner needed. Singles encouraged!
Course: One (1) 75-min session
Tuition: Free
Beginner Bridge Basics 1
Learn how to play Bridge in (6) sessions! This is for players who know nothing about bridge, have never played or are returning after years of not playing. We meet online for an instructional session, then have a practice playing session with supportive hands. Class notes and worksheets will be emailed to each student for extra support.
No Partner needed. Singles encouraged!
Course: Five (5) 75-min session, meets weekly
Tuition: $200
Beginner 2: NT openings, Stayman and Jacoby Transfers
Important class; should not be skipped. Course willcovered in (6) sessions!
This is for players who took Beginner 1, know how to open the bidding, respond, and overcall. We will cover how to approach balanced openings and the conventional responses that are used by the entire bridge world and everyone must know.
No Partner needed. Singles encouraged!
Course: Five (5) 75-min session, meets weekly
Tuition: $200
Beginner 3: More Basics (Weak, Strong & Slam hands)
Learn the next layer of bidding!
This is for players who have taken Beginner 1, know how to open, respond, and overcall.
We will cover how to approach highly distributional hands, weak hands, very strong hands and how to reach the 6 and 7-level of bidding.
No Partner needed. Singles encouraged!
Course: Five (5) 75-min session, meets weekly
Tuition: $200
Intermediate Bridge Courses:
When it is time to up your game!
Critical Thinking: Play like a Pro
Take your game to another level!
There are complex concepts that experienced players can recognize, organize and execute that bring their playing ability and game results to another level. They have tools that tell them where many of the critical cards lie around the table and formulas to help them make more successful decisions. Are you ready to learn these concepts?
Let me show you how to play like a pro! ​
No Partner needed. Singles encouraged!
Workshop: one (1), 90-min session
Tuition: $35
Defensive Signaling
It is time to properly communicate with your partner so you both can defend a hand in a slick, coordinated effort?
In this defense course we will focus on the best defensive leads vs. NoTrump and suited contracts, attitude signals, first discard signals, suit preference signals, and count signals. Let's get you defending like a warrior and setting more contracts!
No Partner needed. Singles encouraged!
Course: Six (6), 75-min session, meets weekly
Tuition: $250
2/1 Game Force Bidding System:
The Basics & Extended Options
2-Over-1 Basics , Part 1
Learn 2/1 Basics in (4) sessions!
We meet online for an instructional session, then you have a LIVE! practice with supportive hands. Part 1 includes 1NT Forcing, 2/1 Bids, and Jacoby 2NT responses. Class notes & worksheets will be emailed to each student for extra support.
No Partner needed. Singles encouraged!
Course: Four (4), 75-min session, meets weekly
Tuition: $160
Learn more about 2/1 system and the second layer of concepts in (4) sessions! We meet online for an instructional session, then you have a LIVE! practice with supportive hands. Part 2 includes Splinter Raises, 4th Suit Forcing, Cue Bid Controls to Slam, RKCB 1430, and the Queen Ask conventions. Class notes & worksheets will be emailed to each student for extra support.
No Partner needed. Singles encouraged!
Course: Four (4), 75-min session, meets weekly
Tuition: $160
2-Over-1 Next Steps, Part 2
Declarer Strategy, Better Bidding & Understanding
Declarer vs. NoTrump Contracts:
Tricks to take more Tricks
Want to know how to create the best plan?
Planning your hand as the Declarer in NoTrump contracts takes some critical thought and organization. In this course I review tactics that will help you plan a winning strategy to maximize you trick taking ability. This is POPULAR course for any level player who wants to improve their Declarer Play. Let's get you declaring like a pro!
No Partner needed. Singles encouraged!
Course: Four (4), 75-min session, meets weekly
Tuition: $160
Bidding Clarity: Stop the confusion!
Learn how to read the auction more clearly in (4) sessions! This class is for any player who is miffed by questions like...what does that mean?, am I supposed to go to game?, What does my partner want me to do?... Most of us were taught what to bid, but never taught how to read bidding. This class is packed with exercises that are set up to challenge how well you understand bidding languages and sequences. It is not like any class you have taken before...If the way you learned originally isn't working, maybe this will help bring it all together for you. Are you up for some clarity?
No Partner needed. Singles encouraged!
Course: Four (4), 75-min session, meets weekly
Tuition: $160
Double Trouble?
All the Doubles explained
Learn six Doubles EVERYONE should be using!
The "X" and "XX" cards have so many meanings, do you know all of them? Do you know who can use them, why to use them, or what they mean? Let's get you familiar with the rest of the bidding box and let's learn the Doubles! This class will cover Takeout Doubles, Negative Doubles, Support Doubles, Mirror Doubles, Power Doubles, and Penalty Doubles. Class notes & worksheets will be emailed to each student for extra support.
No Partner needed. Singles encouraged!
Course: Six (6), 60-min sessions, meets weekly
Tuition: $230
The complete path to 6 & 7!
Bid slams more efficiently!
The bonuses for bidding slams is too great not to understand when to get there, how to get there and when to avoid slam. It is way more than blackwood and asking for Aces or Keycards. Knowing when to avoid such conventions, which method of investigation to use, what to do with the information we get, etc., is so much more important. If you have settled for the occasional 6-level bid and crossed your fingers hoping it all works out, you need this class.
No Partner needed. Singles encouraged!
Course: Four (4), 75-min sessions, meets weekly
Tuition: $160
Declarer vs. Suited Contracts:
Tricks to take more Tricks
Do you struggle to organize a playing plan? There is a secret to playing better that all great players know. Let me teach you these strategies and how to approach each hand, so that you can implement them into your game and watch your results change in no time!
EVERYONE who has taken this course has raved about their game results after taking this course. It is a GAME CHANGER!
No Partner needed. Singles encouraged!
Course: Four (4), 75-min session, meets weekly
Tuition: $160
Semi-Private Bidding & Playing Group Lessons
Beginner/Intermediate Playing Practice Group
Let's clean up the holes in your bidding and playing in (4) sessions!
Interactive, LIVE! practice sessions are the best way to learn and grow your knowledge. When you first learn to bid and play, you are so focused on the so many new concepts, you often tune out secondary information that is also important. Everyone has different things they missed or forgot. Let's fill in all the gaps. I will watch while you bid and play and together, we will fine tune your game.
No Partner needed. Singles encouraged!
Course: Four (4), 75-min sessions, meets weekly
Tuition: $80
Watch Silvana play LIVE!
One of the best ways to learn is to watch great players bid and play. Silvana will play bridge and you will have access to zoom links to watch and speak directly to her. The hands she play sare random and the decisions are in real time. She narrates her thoughts, all of her bids will be described, all of her card choices explained and she will answer any questions you have.
Let's show you how to play like an expert!
No Partner needed. Singles encouraged!
Tuition: $15 per session
60-90 Min Sessions