TAP-Certified Bridge Instructors, Club Owners and Directors

Silvana and Rich Morici
BRIDGE BOOKS for Beginners and Intermediates
recommended by Silvana and Rich Morici

Planning the Play of a Bridge Hand
This book, starting from the basics, explains how to make a plan as a declarer. The reader learns how to recognize which technique to apply on a given deal, both in notrump contracts and suit contracts.
$18 (plus tax, shipping & handling)
by Barbara Seagram & David Bird
Recommended for Beginners/Adv. Beginners:

Planning the Play- The Next Level
This sequel extends the plan to more complex situations, and covers ideas such as safety plays, avoidance play, dummy reversal, and endplays. It will appeal to players who have grasped the basics of declarer play, and are looking to improve.
$18 (plus tax, shipping & handling)
by Barbara Seagram & David Bird
"I LOVE these quizbooks! The tips before each section are concise and helpful and the problem hands truly help solidify each concept. I highly recommend for players with 0-3 years experience"
Rich Morici
"I tell my students to buy all of these books, if they can. The support the will get from them, while taking lessons, is invaluable."
Silvana Morici

Declarer Play at Bridge- a Quizbook
Practice the principles of declarer play: count your winners, count your losers, make a plan. Each section contains a brief introduction of its topic, and the ideas are reinforced with carefully explained solutions and helpful tips throughout.
$17 (plus tax, shipping & handling)
by Barbara Seagram & David Bird

Defensive Play at Bridge- a Quizbook
Practice the principles on which sound defensive play is based, from the opening lead on. This is not just a series of problem hands, however. Each topic is briefly introduced, and the ideas are reinforced with carefully explained solutions and helpful tips throughout.
$17 (plus tax, shipping & handling)
by Barbara Seagram & David Bird

Bidding at Bridge- a Quizbook
Review & Practice the principles of sound bidding, from the opening bid onward. Each section contains a brief introduction to its topic, and the ideas are reinforced with carefully explained solutions and helpful tips throughout.
$17 (plus tax, shipping & handling)
by Barbara Seagram & David Bird
Recommended for Adv. Beginners/Intermediates:
Practice Makes Perfect (25 Conventions)
This workbook works well with "25 Conventions You Should Know". It includes summary of each of those 25 conventions, together with example hands which can be dealt out and used to apply your new knowledge.
$16 (plus tax, shipping & handling)
by Barbara Seagram & David Bird
"Conventions! At some point we need to learn them, either to incorporate them into our system or to understand what our opponents are communicating in the auction. The way these books are divided neatly into chapters makes it easy to study one concept at a time, too. The practice book will round out your learning and I suggest including it if you get books in this set."
Silvana Morici
25 Conventions You Should Know
It doesn't take long before players want to know about conventions. The authors have selected 25 basic conventions that novice players can easily learn. The explanations are clear and each section ends with a summary as well as a self-quiz to ensure that you have understood the concepts.
$18 (plus tax, shipping & handling)
by Barbara Seagram & Marc Smith

25 More Conventions You Should Know
This sequel covers more sophisticated conventions and other bidding gadgets. Each chapter includes instruction in a simple and concise way, a helpful summary of key points, and a quiz with full explanations of the answers.
$18 (plus tax, shipping & handling)
by Barbara Seagram & David Bird

How You Can Play Like An Expert
Advanced beginner to near expert--this book's for everyone. Improve your game from a national champion who knows the 21st century rules and other guidelines for winning at your level and above.
An easy read, very informative.
$28 (plus tax, shipping & handling)
by Mel Colchamiro
"This is the #1 selling bridge book in the USA.
I am most impressed with how this book grows with you as a player. At every level, you will return to this book and discover something that you are be ready to ingest. Every bridge player should have this book in their library."
Rich Morici
Recommended for Every Level: