TAP-Certified Bridge Instructors, Club Owners and Directors

Silvana and Rich Morici
Bridge takes months to learn initially and a lifetime to master. Your learning should never stop, as the potential of your game depends on your investment in learning it well. The side effects are good for your game, but excellent for your brain health, immunity and longevity. We are committed to keeping our classes simple, fun and effective for you and we are invested in your learning and will support you outside of the classroom as well.
-Silvana and Rich Morici
LIVE! Interactive Zoom classes with real, hands-on playing and bidding practice with the most sophisticated online teaching classroom.
Intermediate Bridge Courses:
When it is time to up your game!
Critical Thinking: Play like a Pro
Take your game to another level in (4) sessions! There are complex concepts that experienced players can recognize, organize and execute that bring their playing ability and game results to another level. They have tools that tell them where many of the critical cards lie around the table and formulas to help them make more successful decisions. Are you ready to learn these concepts? These sessions are 100% hands-on,
Live! and Interactive, where you are in the critical
thinking seat and I am your coach.
Let me show you how to play like a pro! ​
No Partner needed. Singles encouraged!
Tuition: $100
Weekly, 90-min Sessions
Monthly Course, meets once a week at the same time, for (4) weeks.
This is an ACTIVE playing lesson where you will ALWAYS be the Declarer.
CLICK HERE to see upcoming start dates and times
Take your bidding to another level in (4) sessions!
Learn advanced concepts in bidding concepts that elevate your communication in the auction and navigate your partnership to better contracts. These sessions are 100% hands-on, Live! and Interactive, where you are in the active bidding seat. Class notes & worksheets will be emailed to each student for extra support.
Let's get you bidding like an expert!​
Part 1:
New Minor Forcing
4th suit Forcing
Flannery 2D
Inverted Minors
No Partner needed. Singles encouraged!
Tuition: $100
Elevated Bidding: Upgrade to the Next Level
Part 2:
Help Suit Game Tries
Western Cuebids
4-way transfers
Control Cuebidding to Slam
Weekly, 90-min Sessions
Monthly Course, meets once a week at the same time, for (4) weeks.
This is an ACTIVE playing lesson where you will ALWAYS be the ACTIVE BIDDING SEAT. Class notes will be provided.
CLICK HERE to see upcoming start dates and times
Take your bidding to another level in (4) sessions!
Learn advanced concepts in bidding concepts that elevate your communication in the auction and navigate your partnership to better contracts. These sessions are 100% hands-on, Live! and Interactive, where you are in the active bidding seat. Class notes & worksheets will be emailed to each student for extra support.
Let's get you bidding like an expert!​
No Partner needed. Singles encouraged!
Tuition: $100
Choose a Competitive Course:
Competitive Bidding
Competing against Weak-2 Openings
When and How to make Simple Overcalls
Doubles and Jumping Overcalls
Lebensohl vs Weak 2
Leaping Michaels
Tug-of-War Auctions
Law of Total Tricks
Rule of 9- Penalty Double
Responsive Double
Maximal Doubles
Weekly, 90-min Sessions
Monthly Course, meets once a week at the same time, for (4) weeks.
This is an ACTIVE playing lesson where you will ALWAYS be the ACTIVE BIDDING SEAT. Class notes will be provided.
CLICK HERE to see upcoming start dates and times
After Openings/Overcalls
Cuebid Limit Raise
Weak Jump Shifts
Meckwell vs 1NT
Michaels Cuebids and Unusual NT
Attacking Aggressive Openings
Lebensohl vs 1NT overcalls
Bidding over Weak-4 opening bids
Better understanding of the strength of defenseless suits
Michaels Cuebids and Unusual NT
Intermediate Defense vs Suited
It is time to properly communicate with your partner so you both can defend a hand in a slick, coordinated effort. In this defensive course we will focus on the best leads vs. Suited contracts, when to draw the opponents trump, when not to use your own trump, suit preference signaling and Lead-directive doubles. This an interactive course done LIVE! at the tables. Supportive notes will be included.
No Partner needed. Singles encouraged!
Tuition: $100
Weekly, 90-min Sessions
Monthly Course, meets once a week at the same time, for (4) weeks.
This is an ACTIVE playing lesson where you will ALWAYS be the ACTIVE BIDDING SEAT. Class notes will be provided.
CLICK HERE to see upcoming start dates and times
Intermediate Defense vs NoTrump
It is time to properly communicate with your partner so you both can defend a hand in a slick, coordinated effort. In this defensive course we will focus on the best leads vs. NoTrump contracts, when to use the Smith Echo signal, How to use the Ace and King to convey and get messages from partner, and learn the art of unblocking to maximize trick taking potential. This an interactive course done LIVE! at the tables. Supportive notes will be included.
No Partner needed. Singles encouraged!
Tuition: $100
Weekly, 90-min Sessions
Monthly Course, meets once a week at the same time, for (4) weeks.
This is an ACTIVE playing lesson where you will ALWAYS be the ACTIVE BIDDING SEAT. Class notes will be provided.
CLICK HERE to see upcoming start dates and times
Watch Silvana play LIVE!
One of the best ways to learn is to watch great players bid and play. Silvana will play bridge and you will have access to zoom links to watch and speak directly to her. The hands she play sare random and the decisions are in real time. She narrates her thoughts, all of her bids will be described, all of her card choices explained and she will answer any questions you have.
Let's show you how to play like an expert!
No Partner needed. Singles encouraged!
Tuition: $15 per session
60-90 Min Sessions
Semi-Private Bidding & Playing Group Lessons
Intermediate Practice Group
Let's elevated your bidding and playing in (4) sessions!
Interactive, LIVE! practice sessions are the best way to learn and grow your knowledge. When you first learn to bid and play, you are so focused on the so many new concepts, you often tune out secondary information that is also important. Everyone has different things they missed or forgot. Let's fill in all the gaps. I will watch while you bid and play and together, we will fine tune your game.
No Partner needed. Singles encouraged!
Tuition: $80
Weekly, 90-min Sessions
Monthly Course, meets once a week at the same time, for (4) weeks.
This is an ACTIVE playing lesson where you will ALWAYS be in the ACTION SEAT. There is never a DUMMY in our classes!
CLICK HERE to see upcoming start dates and times
2/1 Brush-up & Review Practice Group
Did you just learn 2/1? Are you still unsure if you understand all of the system changes to your bidding system? Do you need more practice with hands structured to focus on 2/1 hands and scenarios in bidding? Come join this group. We play many, many hands and ALL of them were designed to challenge your 2/1 bidding knowledge. These interactive, LIVE! practice sessions are the best way to learn and grow your knowledge. I will watch while you bid and play and together, we will up your game in no time.
No Partner needed. Singles encouraged!
Tuition: $80
Weekly, 90-min Sessions
Monthly Course, meets once a week at the same time, for (4) weeks.
This is an ACTIVE playing lesson where you will ALWAYS be in the ACTION SEAT. There is never a DUMMY in our classes!
CLICK HERE to see upcoming start dates and times